Endring Adhesive – 1100


APPLICATION: Endring adhesive is used for gluing end-rings to and engraved screen.

Properties: It is a two component adhesive (Resin + Hardener).

Direction For Use: Take 1 kg resin and 0.8 kg hardener, mix it thoroughly. After mixing apply with spatula onto both endring and screen, with are scoured over approx. 2 cm. After insertion of endring drying time. 200C – 10hrs, 700C – 2 hrs, 1200C (max) – 15 min.

Storage: Cool and Dry

Packing: Resin : 1 kg.  &  Hardener : 0.8 kg. 1.800 kgs/set

> Endring Adhesive – 1100 – known as Endring Fixing Chemical, textile rotary Screen Printing Endring Adhesive, Textile Rotary Nickel Screen Chemicals, Endring Adhesive Textile Rotary Screen Printing Chemicals.

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